Last 12 of March i didn't go to the Manifestation of the "desperate youth". I feel sympathy for them but i believe they be asking the wrong people for the wrong concepts. Although i do not agreed with some of the motifs, like asking the government for more jobs, when the only actions governments have is to create rules and an excess of rules can constrain the job creating markets even more.
Maybe this manifestation is part of a greater scheme of things that will be needed in order to get a ordained change in society, without embarking into a dictatorship of the proletariat or some other property destruction phases.
Anyway, Portugal is the opposite of Sparta, "This is Portugal" is more like the government throwing the people into the pit than the opposite". Now prove me wrong.
They are asking for job security when they should be asking for lower taxes and more empowerment for themselves, but when all one can do is ask we are instead delegating power for others to act in our behalf, and when other have proven to be limited in achieving success before, and have shown signals of burnout, this protests only possible positive outcome will be a regime change.
For sympathy with the movement i gathered some resources that might turn out to be useful, and represent my views of a path towards a better society, which the people has the legitimacy to build, since or when the current system/paradigm fails the people, not delivering prosperity or happiness. But it takes will and an agile system that rewards risk and gives a complete safety net to accomplish those.
So here are some resources: enterpreneur ideas scanner The Permaculture Credit Union
And Articles:
And Software: lots of software for a meta-government. a dynamic delegate vote system. a democratic wiki system
0 Pérolas :: Some resources for building a better society.
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