O projecto do mês no sourceforge é o medical. Um software para gestão de informação de pacientes completamente gratuito. Este prémio de projecto do mês é mt importante para aumentar a visibilidade de um projecto que implementa facilidades de "health care" que estão a dar mt que falar hoje em dia, e adoptando um software destes, open source, os governos têm imenso a ganhar pois podem trabalhar numa plataforma comum a nivel global (se quiserem) !
"Medical combines the functionality of an Electronic Medical Record and a Health Information System, focused on preventive medicine for developing countries, with special emphasis on the socio-economic background of the patient. It uses industry standards, such ICD-10 and ICD10-PCS. One key aspect of Medical that differentiates it from other systems is the holistic approach of dealing with the patient. We designed Medical to include all the factors that influence their health status. By this we firmly believe in the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of health: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." "
0 Pérolas :: Medical: Open Source Electronic Medical Record
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